The Hottest Horror Movie Sex Scenes of All Time!

When I was doing my film studies at college, I remember my teacher showing me and my class a bunch of cult-classic horror movies like ‘Halloween’, ‘The Shining’, or ‘Sleepy Hollow’. I also remember my teacher telling us that the type of people that always die in horror movies are teenagers, and people that have sex. Continue reading The Hottest Horror Movie Sex Scenes of All Time!

How The Digital Economy Bill Will Change Porn

Lately, all people seem to be able to talk about is the Digital Economy Bill, known as the DEBill on social media. This bill is a piece of legislation that is currently before Parliament, and while many are hailing it as a fantastic way to police the internet better, others are pointing out that this is a terrible idea for porn. Continue reading How The Digital Economy Bill Will Change Porn

Polish Women In “No Sex” Protest!

When people protest, they might decide to draw attention to their cause in a number of different ways. They might take to the streets on a busy day to talk to people and make them aware of what is going on, or they might decide to stop doing something. In Poland, women there are refusing to cook and clean. They also have a “no sex” ban in order to make their voices heard on an important issue. Continue reading Polish Women In “No Sex” Protest!

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