Why Not To Get Drunk Before You See An Escort!

We’ve all heard of the wonders of ‘Dutch courage’ alluding to the concept that having a few inside you will give you a confidence boost. Of course, in social situations is when alcohol is most used to calm nerves, so it is no surprise that many men think they should visit an escort after having a few drinks. We analyse why this may just be the drink speaking and in-fact, it is actually a terrible idea! Continue reading Why Not To Get Drunk Before You See An Escort!

Why Do Men See Escorts?

Are they appreciators of sensual and beautiful women, free and liberated individuals who can do exactly as they want or are men who see escorts perverted and regularly objectify women? With the help of escort users and escort’s input, I look into what makes these men tick and delve into the reasons why so many men may get a kick out of seeing escorts. Continue reading Why Do Men See Escorts?

How To Use Food In The Bedroom

We’ve all done it at some point. We’ve heard people talk about taking food into the bedroom, and as exciting as it sounds it can be difficult to find the right foods and how to incorporate them into your bedroom activities. Here at Escort Scotland we’ve put together this guide to help you keep it fun and clean when using food. Continue reading How To Use Food In The Bedroom

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