Tag Archives: sex

‘I Lost My Virginity To An Alien’

Fantasies come in all shapes and sizes. There are the normal ones like having a threesome or banging your teacher, and then there are the more strange ones. However, you can then take these weird fantasies and convince yourself they are real. This is what seems to have happened in the following story. Continue reading ‘I Lost My Virginity To An Alien’

Erotic Stories – Tease Me

I met Randal one autumn evening in a cosy pub in Surrey, the fire was lit and myself and some friends were huddled in chairs, sampling our many glasses of rose until closing hour drew near.
Randal had a undeniable sense of sensuality about him, he originated from Sri Lanka and there was something magical in those dark brown eyes which was elusive and addictive. Continue reading Erotic Stories – Tease Me

Volunteers Get to Touch Porn Stars Boobs (Video)

Have you ever been watching a porn movie and wondered, ‘ what would it be like to feel a porn starts boobs?’ I certainly know I have. Well, a video has been released on Youtube which shows how normal people react when given the chance to touch up porn stars. Let’s just say, the results are fascinating. Continue reading Volunteers Get to Touch Porn Stars Boobs (Video)

Sex Stories – Me And My Daughters Friend!

The sink was full of dirty dishes and there were breadcrumbs from the morning’s breakfast rush still speckled on the kitchen tops. I sighed, I couldn’t believe it was already 3 o clock and I still hasn’t been able to clean up the house. Brandy would be home any moment with her friend to study. Continue reading Sex Stories – Me And My Daughters Friend!