Tag Archives: Escorts

How Escorts Can Avoid Embarrassment at Customs

We sometimes hear stories about escorts getting stopped by border control when travelling to certain countries. Possession of sexy lingerie, condoms and adult toys is not a criminal offence anywhere in this world (as far as we know!). However, having an immigration officer search through your luggage and pull out your dildo, can certainly be embarrassing! Continue reading How Escorts Can Avoid Embarrassment at Customs

Escorts and Your Internet Security

One thing we are always accused of banging on about here is internet security. Unless you are very lucky, I can safely say most of the people in your life wouldn’t be too keen on you seeing escorts. Therefore, you need to be able to hide your history. If not, you could end up in a lot of trouble at home, and a figure of fun on the internet. Continue reading Escorts and Your Internet Security

Sex Workers and Attacks From The Press

It is safe to say, sex workers get a bad rap in the press. They are either ‘trafficked victims’, or ‘manipulative harlots who are destroying lives’. We know that this narrative is nonsense, with most sex workers being consenting, happy individuals, who are performing a job they love. Yes, there may be issues with individuals on either end of the spectrum, but the press doesn’t want to tell you about the vast majority of sex workers who love what they do, and who are like any other professional worker. Continue reading Sex Workers and Attacks From The Press

6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make

Escorts expect and deserve a certain standard of behaviour, so when punters don’t deliver on it, it can turn a date sour. It can be something as simple as not arriving to the date on time to being so disrespectful that they ask you to leave. You might think you know the kind of behaviours that are unacceptable, but it seems that there are some rookie mistakes punters are making. Continue reading 6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make

The Reasons To see a Scottish Escort if You are a Shy Guy!

In a world that’s filled with complex technology, complicated social rules and cat videos, sometimes, it can be hard to feel comfortable around other people, let alone socialise with them. Nowadays, if you go to a coffee date with an estranged friend, he or she will spend more time scrolling through his or her Facebook feed than actually talking to you about the last person he or she fucked. Continue reading The Reasons To see a Scottish Escort if You are a Shy Guy!

What Is It Really Like To Be A Punter?

If you were to believe the general people have to escorting, being a punter means that you will be used. They think that you will be left feeling unsatisfied. Instead of having a great time with “someone you share a deep connection with”, you’ll just get something meaningless that will leave you feeling unhappy. Of course, if you are yourself a punter, you’ll know that this is a load of rubbish. Continue reading What Is It Really Like To Be A Punter?