Most people tend to lead an active lifestyle. If you’ve been sitting at a desk all day, you’ll hit the gym in the evening and at the weekends to let off a little steam. It’s also fun to get in shape, whether you enjoy personal training or you just go it alone. However, it seems that the gym might not be the best place for you to spend your time, especially if you want to have a great sex life.
Confused? Well, a recent study has suggested that you should be avoiding the gym if you want to have a good sex life. But how can the gym kill your libido?
Why we go to the gym
There are plenty of different reasons why we might head to the gym and start working out. For a lot of us it is simply a case of wanting to better ourselves. We want to be stronger and more toned. We want to be able to do great things, which means putting blood sweat and tears into workouts.
It is also a fantastic way to get rid of stress when you have had a tough day or week at work. If you’re feeling pissed off at your boss or that customer who just wouldn’t listen as you tried to explain something to them, you can head out for a run and pound the pavement. You can hit the gym and throw a few hits at a punch bag and feel a lot better.
Getting fit also gives up a rush. We feel amazing afterwards, and regular exercise can lead to better sleep. And it isn’t just sleep that working out makes us want in bed!

The gym and your sex life
We feel so good after being at the gym that we might even jump into the shower with our partner to work off the last of our energy and wash off after a tough workout, or use sex as a fun and kinky cool down.
After spending a bit of time at the gym you’ll notice a difference in your body. You’ll feel much more confident in yourself, whether you are looking to slim down or you just want to improve your general fitness. This is noticeable to others as well, and can be a huge turn on to them.
You might even decide to hit the gym with your partner for some fun together. Helping each other workout will not only bring you closer, but it will also turn you both on. You’ll love watching your partner squat in those tight leggings and yoga pants, and they’ll want to see if you can lift them.

The study itself
The University of North Carolina decided that they wanted to take a look at how hitting the gym might have an impact on your sex life. Most people feel as though their sex life has improved as a result of time at the gym, but they wanted to know if this was true.
In order to test it, they surveyed over 1,000 men in the United States using an online poll. They were asked questions about their exercise habits, as well as how often they thought about sex.
They got a huge range of people involved, from hardcore gym fanatics to distance runners and even the casual gym goer. Using the survey they ranked people based on the intensity of the exercises, how long they went for, and how strong their desire for sex was.

The tipping point
Surprisingly, they found that there was a link between hitting the gym and the desire to fuck… but it wasn’t the connection that many were hoping for. Instead, they noticed that the significant relationship between the two seemed to go the opposite way.
The less intense the exercise, and the shorter the workout was, the more likely the men were to have a strong desire for sex. Those who had more intense workouts or went for longer found that they just weren’t as horny. But why?
Anthony Hackney, lead researcher, suggested that it was all because of the tipping point. The men would reach a point in their workouts where they were simply too tired to want to have sex… or they simply lost interest because of the high they got working out.

Should you go to the gym?
So going to the gym could actually be killing your sex life… definitely not what you want! You want to be able to enjoy sex and relish your time with your partner. If your sex life is suffering because you are lifting weights, what can you do?
You could change your routine a little and swap intense exercises for something a little more comfortable. You could also go to the gym with your partner and watch them working out. You’ll love seeing them getting fit and it will be a huge turn on to join them in the shower afterwards.
Do you think there is a link between your sex life and the gym? Have you noticed a big difference? We want to hear from you. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below!
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