When we are feeling turned on, we often turn to porn. We’ll go to our favourite site, search for our favourite type of porn, and get watching. However, sometimes this isn’t enough. Traditional porn can become a little dull and repetitive at times, and so we need something different to watch.
If you are fed up of traditional porn and you’re looking for a fantastic alternative, we have a few suggestions for you. Why not try them out and see which ones work for you?
Audio porn
Some people find that the visual of porn can actually put them off. How many times have you been jerking off to porn, only for the camera to suddenly pan to the cock at the wrong time? It can really be a problem, and this is why many people are instead turning to audio porn.
It was particularly popular on Tumblr, which many people trying different challenges. A popular blog called Sounds of Pleasure featured the “100 to 1” challenge. In this challenge, people record themselves masturbating and counting backwards from 100. The goal is to reach 1 before they can come, so you can actually listen to people as they try edging.
Of course, the Tumblr purge meant that the blog was killed off. Thankfully, this is the internet, and there are alternative sites. You can check out the Orgasm Sound Library to hear moans of pleasure through orgasm. You can also look at Soundcloud, like the clip below, for more.
A number of different erotic story websites also feature audio sex stories. The narrator will talk you through the story, and this can be incredibly hot. Literotica has a fantastic selection with plenty of different types to choose from.
Choose your own sex adventure
At some point you will have come across a “choose your own adventure” story. These stories put the main character in a situation and you make decisions on what choices they’ll make throughout the game.
Often they tend to focus on horror or adventure. Remember Netflix’s hit episode of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch? Think that… but in terms of porn alternatives, think of that with an erotic twist.
Interactive erotica is a hugely popular type of porn. As a reader you get control of the story, but you will still be surprised by what happens. Plus, you can go back and see how your choices might change the narrative.
Website CHYOA has a number of different stories for you, and the best thing is that the community can work together to build them. This means that a story set in vanilla can easily have a path that allows you to slip into the world of BDSM, if you so choose to!
Games for adults
Of course, some people still like the visual, but they just don’t want traditional porn. They feel that traditional porn is very limiting in the type of stories that they can tell, and if you want to see something different.
For some people, they find that adult games are the perfect solution. You get the same choices as you might do in interactive erotica, but with visuals to watch.
Finding the right games can be tough, but thankfully the users of Reddit have some suggestions for you. Users have suggested their top porn games for you to try, giving you the chance to step away from your usual porn. Take this one below:
byu/ForestedArea51 from discussion
The best alternatives to traditional porn
These are just a handful of alternatives to traditional porn. There are plenty more out there, so you have the chance to try something new. Maybe you have a favourite type we have missed that you feel others should know about?
You can let us know all about them by leaving a comment in the box below. Where do you turn when porn isn’t enough? Give us your best tips!
Or, if you’d rather try out a different kind of porn, you could check out the erotic stories right here on the Escort Scotland blog! My favourite is Punish Me, Sir. Which is yours?
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