We love having sex, but life sometimes has other plans. It can get in the way, making it hard for us to enjoy a little passionate fun with our partner or partners. Finding the time for frequent sex is tough, but studies suggest that we really should be making the time for more sex.
There are so many benefits to having sex, and it seems that having it regularly can really help to change your life. Not that we really need an excuse to have more sex, but when scientists give us them, we aren’t going to complain! Here on the Escort Scotland blog we take a look at why frequent sex is actually good for you.
Everything in moderation
Before we get into the results of the latest studies to proclaim that sex is good for you and that you should be having more of it, we need to take them time to address the other side of the coin.
Having sex every minute of every day isn’t going to work out for you. It is going to leave you physically and emotionally exhausted if you do that, and while we might joke that it would be “a hell of a way to go”, it isn’t actually how we want it to happen.
It can put a lot of pressure on your partner and yourself to perform, which can have an negative impact on you and your relationship. Definitely not what you want!
As with most good things in life, sex should be enjoyed in moderation. This helps to keep it fun and exciting, instead of making it into something boring that you do just for the sake of doing it.
You’re less likely to become sick
Sexual health experts, like Yvonne K. Fulbright, have found that having sex regularly can prevent you from becoming sick. If you are prone to catching a cold or just feeling generally run down, you might need more sex.
The researchers at Wilkes University, in Pennsylvania, discovered that the college students having more frequent sex seemed to have higher levels of the different antibodies used to fight infections than those who weren’t getting it on as much.
Basically, the antibody known as immunoglobulin A is responsible for fighting diseases, colds, and the flu. Those who have more sex seem to have more of this antibody, meaning you are much less likely to catch a cold if you are having sex.
A headache isn’t an excuse
There was once a time when turning around and saying to your partner “not tonight, dear. I have a headache” was a perfectly acceptable excuse. Sure, a lot of us didn’t like hearing it, but it was something that we just accepted.
However, plenty of studies have shown that having an orgasm actually helps you deal with pain. Basically, the hormones released during orgasm fight the pain and help you cope. The endorphins, according Cindy M. Meston of the University of Texas, “closely resemble morphine, and they effectively relieve pain”.
So, if you have a headache or tend to get migraines a lot, it might be an idea to put down the pills and instead have some sex. What’s the harm in trying?
A great way to de-stress
You might be feeling really pissed off about something and need to just let it out. Some people choose to rant to friends, while others might decide to get a little bit active and let out their frustration that way. When your heart is racing and your blood is pumping, it is hard to stay mad.
Of course, this can also apply to sex. When you have regular sex, you are getting into a routine where you can de-stress. You can let all of your frustration out during sex, and because sex leaves you feeling amazing, you will have a great way to cope with the frustration and stress of every day life.
The University of the West of Scotland discovered that those enjoying regular sex (in this case, regular sex means at least once over two weeks) were much better equipped to handle stressful situations. If they had to do something like public speaking, they could handle it much more easily.
Professor Stuart Brody and advisor Laura Berman explained that it is all because of the feel-good hormones in your body released during sex. When you fuck, endorphins and oxytocin are released, putting you in a better mood. This good mood can help to fight off depression and anxiety, meaning you can deal with things a lot better. It also helps to lower your blood pressure, so it’s another big win for sex.
Sound asleep
When you’ve been active, you feel tired. Your body is ready to shut off for the night and let you rest. Those who regularly go to the gym will have noticed a difference in their quality of sleep, but if you can’t get to the gym, sex is a good substitute.
The de-stress hormones we mentioned earlier not only help to relax your mind, but they also help to relax your body. The tension will disappear from your aching muscles, letting you simply unwind and drift off to sleep naturally.
However, there is a catch. If you have more active sex, with lots more movement and energy, you might find that you will be left feeling energized instead of tired. So, if you do want to make frequent sex a part of your routine, you might want to keep it slow, steady, and sensual in the evenings to help you sleep.
The best excuse for frequent sex
Joseph J. Pinzone, the CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness, gives us one of the best excuses to have sex that I have ever heard. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle to will myself to go to the gym. I just can’t be bothered with my workouts, but he tells us that “sex is a really great form of exercise”.
Okay, so it might not beat your usual routine at the gym, but it is a start. It is said that sex burns roughly five calories a minute, so if you can last longer and get into the more challenging positions, you could be well on your way to a nice, toned body.
Not feeling up the challenge of the more difficult sex positions? We’ve got you covered. Why not take a look at Gabriella’s missionary with a side of sauciness blog to see if there is something there you can use to spice things up before bed.
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Sex is the best exercise you can do.
It keeps your heart rate going and you sweat out the crap while having pleasurable fun at the same time.
Sex is classed as fun, but also a form of exercise. Doctors would even go and tell you to have more sex.
When dating, when I was trying to get frequent sex, she was making excuses to avoid sex.