Christmas is a busy time of year for many escorts. Some escorts will take time out of the schedule to spend time with their families, and many clients might find that they have more availability than they thought. This means that they are more likely to call and book escorts.
Often we don’t want our dates at this time of year to be the same. We want them to be a little different, a little more exciting if possible. You can do this by injecting the spirit of Christmas into your escort bookings, but just how can you do this?
What is the spirit of Christmas?
The spirit of Christmas means different things to different people, which makes spicing up your bookings challenging if you aren’t sure what this means. For some it is all about family, while others like to think of it as a time of giving and sharing. There are even some who feel that it is all about romance.
The general consensus, however, tends to be that it is about hope and love, and sometimes it is also Christmas itself. Adding this to your escort bookings could be a lot easier than you think!
If you are struggling for ideas on just how to incorporate these ideas into your bookings then we have a few suggestions for you. Try them out for yourself and see if it makes you feel a little more festive as you do.
Enjoy the GFE
If you’d rather focus on the closeness that the love spirit could bring to you this Christmas, then you might just find that enjoying a GFE with your favourite escort is the best way to do this. Not sure what GFE is? It stands for “girlfriend experience”. On dates with GFE escorts, you’ll get all of the fun of having a girlfriend with none of the setbacks.
You’ll get to enjoy inside jokes with them, lots of touching and cuddling, and you’ll feel relaxed with them. It won’t feel as tense as it might be, as they will do everything that they can to put you at ease. You’ll feel a spark and find that talking to them about your desires is very easy.
You might even find that they treat you to a nice relaxing massage, and you can easily return the favour if you know how. In the run up to Christmas, this kind of connection is often the perfect way to get yourself into the festive mood!
Festive role play
If you find that you just aren’t feeling up to celebrating Christmas and that ‘Driving Home For Christmas’ doesn’t put you in the festive mood, you might have to try something more extreme. Listening to the songs is one thing, but you could take things to another level by instead trying Christmas role play.
You’ll notice that plenty of shops have sexy Santa outfits for you, or naughty elf costumes to buy. They are relatively cheap as well, making it easy to explore a little kinky Christmas role play.
Pretend that one of you is an elf sent by Father Christmas to see if the other is naughty or nice. Whoever is the elf can go through a number of things that the other likes to do and decide whether they are naughty things or nice things. What happens afterwards is up to you!
Finding your spirit of Christmas
For those feeling as though they just aren’t festive enough, an escort date can really make the difference. You get to forget about the big shopping list or the many things you have to do to prepare, and can instead just enjoy some company.
It is the perfect way to treat yourself before the chaos of Christmas, and you’ll find that it is a lot of festive fun. Plus, it might just be the ideal way to de-stress in the run up to the big day.
Got a few ideas of your own for enjoying the festive season to the full? You can leave a comment in the box below to tell us what you think. Share your suggestions with us and you might just inspire punters for their next escort date.
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