Topless Woman Beats up Man Who Touched Her Boobs (Video)

This is the moment a New Year’s Eve party in New Zealand went disastrously wrong, after a topless woman and her friend attacked a man who had groped her.

Portrait anxious young man biting his nails fingers freaking out

The woman, who had covered her chest with glitter is seen walking through a field with her mate at the Rhythm & Vines music festival in Gisbourne, New Zealand.

Shocking Scenes

One man spots the topless woman, and runs out of the crowd behind her, apparently touching her before heading back to his group of friends.

The clip then shows the women follow him back to his seat on the grass and attack him.

The man cowers as at first a drink is thrown into his face, and then he is punched a number of times by the woman he assaulted.

Other revellers watch the shocking scene, whilst the woman cries out ‘Oh my, God,’ before the pair turn and walk away.

Neither the man or the two women have been identified since the video was shared online, which for the guy is probably a good thing.

But what actually went on here? Why did the guy in full view of thousands of party goers think it was an acceptable thing to touch the women’s breasts?

It is obvious he thought it was a joke. This wasn’t him being pervy (deliberately), because if he thought he was doing something bad he wouldn’t have done it where thousands of people could come and kick his head in.

Instead there was probably a belief that the woman who was walking around with her boobs out was something of an exhibitionist who would have found his conduct funny. From a male perspective if a guy walks around with his penis out then he is basically saying ‘look at my penis’, shortly before he is arrested. Therefore it makes sense that a woman walking around with her boobs out is wanting male (or female) attention. Don’t give me this ‘oh I can walk around with my boobs out but if you look you are a sleaze’ nonsense. Breasts are part of the sexual make up of a woman so ladies, expect to be looked at if you are topless.

However, there is never, ever a reason to touch someone’s private parts without permission. That steps well over the mark. No-one should ever presume that someone wants to be touched in that kind of way. The same goes for male strippers who often complain they are the victims of unwanted physical attention. It matters not whether by accident someone finds the touching funny; keep your hands off someone unless you are given expressed permission to do so. Running behind and touching someone is a fast track to a criminal conviction.

Education is Needed

In the end the women did the right thing. They attacked and humiliated the guy in front of his friends and millions online. This will act hopefully as a wake up call for him. Next time he sees a topless woman he may take a sneaky peak instead of putting his grubby hands on her.

It is this kind of stuff kids need taught at school. This ‘sexual assault by stupidity’ is much more prevalent than other forms, like rich bosses abusing staff. Lads (and ladies) need to learn that sexual touching is never ‘banter’ and can be deeply hurtful to those affected. It sounds obvious when you know, but in a drunken party atmosphere with semi naked members of the opposite sex, the decision making process can go seriously array. Couple that with growing up in a laddish ‘banter’ culture then we have a real mess in the making.

Martin Ward
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