Having a threesome is the ultimate sexual fantasy. Ask anyone what it is they want to try in the bedroom, and many will tell you that they are hoping to have two people fuck them at the same time. It is a kinky fantasy and one that many are eager to explore.
For a number of people, it will always stay a fantasy. They might not have the courage to talk to their partner about it, or perhaps they are simply struggling to figure out where to start. If you are one of those people keen to have a threesome, then here are the things you need to know to make it happen.
What kind of threesome do you want?
It’s all well and good tell your partner you want a threesome, but there are actually many different types. The most common is the MFF, where there is one man and two women involved. But there are also MMF, FFF, and MMM. So you need to make sure you know which one you want.
Hoping to have two sexy women touching you all over? Then you’ll want MFF. This is the most popular choice, as the man can enjoy watching his partner getting intimate with another woman. You can then join in the fun!
We are more sexually fluid now than we used to be, and this is great news for those eager to try a MMF three way. There are many couples who try this where the men do not touch or interact in any way, making the fantasy purely for the woman. However, if you do want to explore, this might be the ideal opportunity for it.
What ground rules will you set?
You can’t just say to your partner “let’s have a threesome!” and expect everything to go swimmingly. Often, those involved have different ideas about what is and isn’t acceptable, so before you get started you need to sit down with your partner and talk about it.
For example, if you are in a committed relationship, your partner might not like the idea of you kissing the other person involved. Sex is fine, but kissing seems more intimate, and so they don’t want it to happen.
They might even decide that, while they are happy bringing another woman into the bedroom, they don’t want to touch the other woman. This is fine. Just make sure that all parties know the ground rules before you get started.
Finding the right person to join
So, you’ve figured out the type of three way you want, and you’ve talked to your partner about the kind of ground rules you’d both like to set. Now all you need to do is find someone to join in… but this is tougher than it sounds.
Inviting a friend can lead to trouble. Sex has a way of changing things, and often it brings out jealousy for those involved. It feels more emotional, and this can taint the experience.
That is why a lot of people will choose to invite in someone with no emotional attachment to either you or your partner, such as an escort. Many escorts offer services for couples, and because they tend to have more experience they can help to effortlessly guide you through the session. You’ll find that you really are in safe hands.
Not got a partner to talk to about a three way? You could always take a look at the duo escorts to see if they can help you fulfil your fantasy.
It’s okay to change your mind
Everyone has fantasies, but not everyone acts them out. Sometimes it is because they don’t quite get the chance to do so, but other times it is because they decide that these fantasies are better staying as fantasies.
There are a number of people who will try a threesome and find it is not for them. And that is fine. You might like the idea of it, but when you get into the bedroom with two other people, you find that it just isn’t for you.
It happens. The important thing is that you realise it and can stop things from going too far. Maybe you realise that you didn’t set the right ground rules, or perhaps you just aren’t feeling it. Either way, it is okay for you to change your mind.
Your best threesome experience
There is one word I can use to describe my first threesome: awkward. At no point did we discuss ground rules, so when things started moving along, everyone was on a different page. It made things weird, and all it would have taken to avoid this was sitting down and talking about what we wanted.
Unfortunately this is a first time three way experience for many… but that isn’t always the case. So why not share your best threesome experiences? You can do so by leaving a comment in the box below.
Found that you’ve got some questions about threesomes you’d like to ask? The comment box is perfect for that. You can get feedback from punters just like you, and you might even get a reply from an escort eager to help you out!
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