Sex Facts We Really Don’t Want To Believe!

People love talking about sex. Sure, they might not be quite as open to some parts of sex as others, but that doesn’t mean they don’t talk about it. Whenever an interesting story hits the news about sex it gets read by millions eager to know more. And this just shows that, when it comes to sex, we want to know more. Hence our love of things like sex facts.

Sex Facts We Really Don't Want To Believe!

So what are the most interesting sex facts you can use to wow your friends and stun your co-workers into silence? We have a few of the best for you here on the Escort Scotland blog.

Phones in the bedroom

We’re all pretty attached to our phones. We don’t go anywhere without them. Most people can’t even go to the bathroom without theirs, and if they do, they find themselves resorting to the age-old technique of reading the instructions of the back of a bottle of shampoo.

The bathroom isn’t the only place we don’t want to go without our phones. Polls have suggested that, right after sex, most people won’t grab their partner for a cuddle. Instead they’ll check their social media accounts, like Facebook or Twitter. Clearly the trending hashtags can’t wait.

So this isn’t too shocking a fact and pretty believable… but what is even more unbelievable is the amount of people who won’t even wait until the act is over to reach for their phone. Meredith’s Parent Network conducted a Moms & Media survey and discovered that 12% of mothers use their phones during sex!

Believe it or not, there have been plenty of further studies to suggest that the number of people checking their phone during sex is actually higher! One survey suggested that it could be as high as one in five doing it… which is sure to make you feel a bit shit if you are fucking doggy style and spot them retweeting something.

Using your phone during sex is rude. Social media can wait
Original source: Giphy

Who has more sex?

We are constantly told that men are the ones who want sex the most. How many times have you hear that men think about sex every few seconds? We already know that this is a load of crap, as studies have shown that men have 19 thoughts about sex a day.

Even with studies like that, people still assume that men want more sex and that they are fucking more often than women. Men’s Fitness points out that this is just not the case. In fact, apparently women have sex around 17% more often than men.

In fact, they discovered that over one in three women were fucking “at least three times every week”, while just over one in four men could say the same. Sorry fellas… it looks like we are getting it more!

We tend to assume that men are getting it more than women
Original source: Good Reads

Are the Scottish great lovers?

The Scottish are known for many things, and we’d like to think that being incredible in bed is one of them. The accent is usually enough to draw people to you, as might your unique way with words. But it seems that a survey by OnePoll doesn’t look so favourably on Scotland.

OnePoll decided to get 15,000 from 20 different countries to rank the different nations based on their abilities in bed. They also asked them to give an explanation for their answers.

The world’s best lovers, according to this survey, are the Spanish, Brazilians, and Italians. Unfortunately, Scotland came in at number eight on the list of the worst lovers in the world.

So what is it that has put the Scottish so low on the list? It seems that the Scottish are “too loud” in bed. Pretty upsetting to hear… however, they still fair better than the Welsh (number seven for being “too selfish”) and the English (number three for being “too lazy”).

The Scottish are sexy... but are they great lovers?
Original source: Giphy

Certain smells turn us on

There are some things that turn us on faster than others. For example, seeing a woman bite her lip might make your body respond, as might getting a glimpse of her lingerie peeking out of her blouse. However, it seems that there are also certain smells that can excite us.

No, we aren’t talking about your partner’s favourite perfume. We’re actually talking about pumpkin. That’s right, the smell of pumpkin turns men on!

A study discovered that the smell was enough to bring about a 40% increase in penile blood flow on average in the participants. Just wait until the autumn when you can get pumpkin-spiced everything in your favourite coffee shop!

Smell plays a huge part in sex
Original source: Your Tango

Other unusual sex facts

These are just a few of the more unusual sex facts we have heard about… and the ones that we aren’t sure we are ready to believe. The Scottish are bad lovers? The smell of pumpkin turns us on? There’s a 20% chance your partner will check social media as you fuck?

Frankly we’d like to hear some different sex facts, one that make us feel better about sex and the way that we fuck. Have you got some interesting sex facts you’d like to share? Tell us all about them in the comment box below.

Lara Mills
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