Your sex drive is going to change. Sometimes you’ll feel as though you are a sex god, eager to fuck every single hour of the day if you could. Other times you’ll not even want to think about sex, let alone have it.
But those low moments when you find that you have no sex drive can be a real struggle, especially if you are used to wanting it all of the time. Your libido can change because of a number of different factors, and so figuring out the cause can be just as difficult as solving it.
So what can you do if you have a drop in your libido? Is there a way to improve your desire for sex again? Here on the Escort Scotland blog we take a look at the most common causes for this decrease in desire, as well as ways you can boost it.
The physical side
The number of different things that could cause you to lose your desire for sex is huge, but there are some that doctors have noticed seem to be to blame more than others. They can be split into physical and psychological problems. So let’s look at the physical.
Having low testosterone levels can be a factor. Not only can low testosterone be linked to a low libido, but it can also be an indicator of other problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Things like prescription medicines can also have an impact. They can change your hormone levels in your body, which can lead to a drop in testosterone and in other things, making your desire for sex decrease.
Exercise is another problem. Getting too little exercise and not eating a good diet can cause you issues, but that isn’t all. Getting too much exercise can also cause problems, so it can feel as though there really is no winning in this situation.
The psychological side
On the other side of things we have the psychological causes. While the physical can be the reason for having no sex drive or many, often you’ll find that it is the psychological aspect that has the bigger impact… and it can take longer to realise just what the reason for the drop in desire is.
If you have been feeling depressed, this can change how much you want sex. Even if you are not on medication for it, you’ll find that your low mood means you don’t want to fuck as much as you might usually, and this is a challenge to overcome.
Been having a tough time at work or with your partner? Stressed out? Yep, that’s another factor affecting your libido. You’ll notice that, when things get tough at work or in your relationship, your sex drive will go one of two ways. Either it will go up because you find that sex is a great stress relief for you, or it will go down because your mind isn’t on sex at all.
Treating a low sex drive
If you are struggling with a low sex drive the best thing you can do is go to see your doctor. Sure, this isn’t something that we like doing. Talking about sex is challenging enough as it is without involving your doctor, but they are often the best people to seek help from.
However, there are a few different things that you can do at home to try and improve things. Take a look at how much exercise you are getting. You can make little changes to get more if you need it, and this will have the added bonus of giving you a healthy way to relieve stress. So you can kill two birds with one stone.
You should also try cutting down on things like alcohol and make sure you get enough sleep. Yes, it might be tempting to stay up later to watch just one more episode of that show, but it could be this that means you don’t want sex any more. Get into a routine with sleep and you’ll notice the difference in no time at all.
If that doesn’t work
Unfortunately not all of the solutions to help you deal with a low libido can be done at home. It would be great if they could, but sometimes you just need to seek professional help. For example, if your medication is making your desire drop, speaking to your doctor could lead to a change in your prescription, which could then change your sex drive.
Try not to be tempted to reach for the Viagra. Some people see it as a miracle drug but it doesn’t help your libido. It is for helping you get and maintain an erection, so you won’t actually want to have sex any more than you did before you took the pill. You’ll just have a hard cock instead.
Got some suggestions to help others improve their desire for sex? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below, or ask your questions. The community here is very helpful and they’ll be able to point you in the right direction.
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