Does The Female Orgasm Increase Fertility?

One of the big sex questions where nobody really seems to know the answer is ‘does the female orgasm help fertility?’. When you ask the man (or woman on the street) no-one is really sure whether it is scientifically true, or if one of the greatest urban myths in the history of sex.

Couple leaning back satisfied on bed

Well, because we are nice, we are going to take a look at all the evidence for you. Maybe by the end of it you will have an idea as to whether by having an orgasm, you will increase the chance of getting pregnant.

The ‘Very Sleepy’ Theory

One theory about women having orgasms is that it makes them sleepy. When they are sleepy they relax and lie down. Exponents of this theory say that when women lie down, more sperm is retained, and that increases the chances of pregnancy.

But is this true or is it just a wild theory? Well, it is safe to say that the feedback is mixed. In one study that specifically studied orgasm and sperm retention, researchers found that just lying down did not seem to improve sperm retention. However, that is openly contradicted in other studies. However, a study of IUI treatment did find that women who remained horizontal after sex DID have more of a chance of conceiving.

Is that clear for you? No? Same here.


The Upsuck Theory

This one actually makes sense. The idea is that the contractions in the uterus help suck up the sperm. The orgasm then goes up the uterus to the fallopian tubes.

One particular study measured semen flowback and discovered that when the female orgasm occurred a minute or less before male ejaculation, there was more sperm retention. However, if the female orgasm didn’t occur within a minute of the guys, then there was less sperm retention.

There are no figures as to how this affects pregnancy, but it isn’t much of a stretch to think more sperm = more chance of conceiving.


Is There a Connection Between Orgasm Frequency and Pregnancy?

One study had a look at this. They took 8000 females and asked them how often they had sex, how often they had an orgasm, whether getting an orgasm was difficult, and how many biological kids they had.

Though researchers did find a connection between orgasms and fertility rates, once the environmental factors were taken out, that connection went away. In short, if you had more sex the more likely you were to get pregnant.

In short, you ability (or lack of) to have an orgasm, had no direct affect on how likely you were to get pregnant.


Taking Time May help The Chance of Pregnancy

Longer foreplay and higher levels of sexual arousal before the male ejaculation has been known to increase sperm counts according to some reports.

One particular one saw researchers examine why people and some animals performed oral sex.

Well, they found that those who did it had higher semen counts. So could the idea of making a woman orgasm actually be natures way of making sure semen counts are brought up? It would make sense?


So, What is the Answer?

Well, the answer is, we don’t know. Everything is contradictory. Therefore, it is best to just have sex and enjoy it. There are plenty of benefits to having an orgasm that we know of. They put us in a good mood for instance.

And remember, if you are obsessing about having orgasms, there is a strong likelihood that having one will become more difficult as you aren’t relaxed.

My tip to you is if you want to get pregnant, have more sex. If you have sex, have an orgasm because it is great.

That seems simple enough.

Martin Ward
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