
Service provider
If you are a Service Provider, here is all the help you need to manage your account. See how to make payments, change your profile, and make the most of your advert.

If you are a punter, here you can learn how to write reviews, create a list and keep track of your favourite adverts, and personalise your experience as a registered member.

Review System
Find out all you need to know about how to use the review system, whether you are a Punter or a Service Provider, as well as the system’s established rules.

Photo Verification
What do “verified photos” mean? Both Punters and Service Providers can learn about our verification system here.

Link to Us
If you own a website and are looking to link to Escort Scotland, the material and information you need is here.
Escort Industry

Are you an Escort? Here you can find everything there is to know about the industry, including useful Health & Safety tips, Legal information and loads more...

Information about the Escort Industry specifically for Punters. Features and detailed guide to the industry, Health & Safety tips, common escort lingo and lots more useful information...