Swedish massage
Here on our website, we have noticed how much more popular massage escorts have become. Near the top of that list are the Swedish massage escorts, who are certainly gaining an extremely good name for themselves. Swedish massage escorts are usually female, though there are often men who perform the service. No matter who is doing it for you, you are guaranteed to leave with a huge smile on your face.
It is fair to say that Swedish massage is the most recognised and commonly used form of massage. That means that if you are looking for a sexy young girl or a hot mature woman to perform this service, then you shouldn't really be struggling for choice. A female Swedish massage escort will traditionally use five different of strokes. There is effleurage (sliding and gliding) petrissage (kneading) tapotement (rhythmic tapping) friction (cross fiber or with the fibers) and vibration and shaking. All these can be done with varying levels of strength, so you will need to explain how hard you want it to the woman you meet.
Swedish massage is is good for reducing pain and joint stiffness, as well as other muscle related issues. On top of that, the company of a sexy female makes it even more fun. Anyone considering seeing a female Swedish massage escort needs to realise that the term 'Swedish massage' only applies in English and Dutch speaking countries, as well as Hungary. In other nations, it is known as 'classic massage'. So if the woman you call isn't sure what you are talking about, remember to bear this in mind.
There are two different kinds of Swedish massage escorts. There are those who perform incalls, and those who perform outcalls. An incall escort will want you to come round to their hotel or apartment, whilst an outcall escort is able to come to a place of your choosing. All the information is available on the escort profile, so it is a case of looking for the boy or girl who fits your criteria.
Meet a female Swedish massage escort today. It really will be an experience you can't get enough off.